Jaya Ekadashi

Jaya Ekadashi, occurring during the light half (Shukla Paksha) of the month of Magha, holds profound significance in Hindu tradition. This sacred day is revered for its ability to cleanse the soul of sinful reactions and liberate it from demonic influences. 

Known as the destroyer of ghostly existence, Jaya Ekadashi offers a path to freedom from the cycle of birth and death. Observing a fast on this auspicious occasion is believed to bring immense spiritual merit and divine blessings. Therefore, devotees seeking spiritual upliftment and liberation honor it with utmost care and diligence.

Jaya Ekadashi Vrat Day-2024

Jaya Ekadashi Vrat falls on February 20, 2024, Tuesday.

Jaya EkadashiFebruary 20, 2024, TuesdayMagha Shukla Paksha Ekadashi

Story Related to Jaya Ekadashi

Lord Sri Krishna recounts a story to Yudhisthira to illustrate the significance of the Ekadashi occurring during Magha Shukla Paksha. 

In the celestial realms of the heavenly planets, Lord Indra ruled with grace and prosperity, surrounded by joyful devas. Among the enchanting landscapes of Nandana Forest bloomed the exquisite Parijata Flowers (Nyctanthes arbortristis; Night-flowering jasmine), where Indra delighted in ambrosia and the dances of fifty million celestial maidens, the Apsaras.

In this paradise, musicians like Pushpadanta and Chitrasena, accompanied by their families, enchanted everyone with their sweet melodies. Among them, Malyavan and Pushpavati found themselves entangled in a love born of Cupid’s arrows. Their infatuation led to a discordant performance before Indra, who angered and cursed them to become pisachas (flesh-eating demons) and suffer on Earth.

Falling from grace, Malyavan and Pushpavati landed on a desolate Himalayan peak, their celestial forms dimmed by the curse’s effects. Stripped of their senses and surrounded by bitter cold, they wandered, tormented by their plight. Despite seeking shelter in a cave, the harsh conditions left them shivering and frightened. As they trudged through the snow, fate intervened on the auspicious day of Jaya Ekadashi. Lost in their suffering, they unintentionally observed the sacred fast, abstaining from food and drink.

As night fell, they huddled together beneath a Pipal tree, seeking solace in each other’s embrace. Through the relentless cold and the weight of Indra’s curse, they endured the night, unaware of the blessings bestowed upon them by Ekadasi.

With the dawn of Dwadasi, a miraculous transformation unfolded before the eyes of Malyavan and Pushpavati. Casting off their demonic forms, they emerged anew as radiant celestial beings adorned with lustrous ornaments and garments that shimmered in the morning light.

In awe of their divine radiance, a chorus of heavenly denizens gathered around, their melodious voices filling the air as they sang praises and showered fragrant flowers upon the reunited couple. Embraced by the warmth of their celestial welcome, Malyavan and Pushpavati embarked on their journey back to Amaravati, the majestic capital city of Lord Indra.

Arriving at the heavenly abode, they wasted no time seeking an audience with their lord, Indradev. With hearts overflowing with gratitude, they bowed before him, offering cheerful obeisances as a token of their reverence and devotion. Witnessing their return in their celestial splendor, Lord Indra welcomed them with open arms, his heart brimming with joy at their miraculous transformation.

As Malyavan and Pushpavati stood before Lord Indra, he marveled at their miraculous transformation, astonished by their swift release from his curse. Curious, Indra questioned them, eager to understand the extraordinary deeds that brought their liberation.

In response, Malyavan humbly attributed their salvation to the boundless mercy of the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna, and the potent influence of Jaya Ekadasi. He explained how their unknowing observance of this sacred day and their devotion to Lord Vishnu led to their restoration to their former celestial status.

Impressed by their devotion, Indra acknowledged their purity and worshippable status, recognizing the transformative power of devotion to Lord Sri Hari or Lord Shiva. With his blessings, Malyavan and Pushpavati were granted freedom to enjoy each other’s company and roam the heavenly realms as they pleased.

Reflecting on their journey, Malyavan emphasized the importance of observing a fast on the sacred day of Lord Hari, especially Jaya Ekadasi. He extolled the virtues of fasting on this auspicious occasion, proclaiming it as a means to attain unending happiness and liberation from sin, paving the way for eternal bliss in Vaikuntha.

Thus, the tale of Malyavan and Pushpavati illustrates the transformative power of devotion and the profound blessings bestowed by the sacred observance of Ekadasi, even when done unknowingly. Thus concludes the narration of the glorious Magha-shukla Ekadasi, or Jaya Ekadasi, a tale of redemption and divine favor from the Bhavishya-Uttara Purana.

Why Hindu

We, a group of youths born into Hindu families, were raised in the rich culture of Vedic Sanatan Dharma, embracing its cultures and traditions. Post-graduation, recognizing the immense value of our Sanatan Dharma for humanity, we initiated the "Why Hindu" project. With guidance from our elders, we aim to create awareness about Hindu Dharma, delve into Vedic scripture, explore Vedic mantras, and elucidate the significance of festivals. Through this endeavor, we strive to share the profound teachings of our heritage, fostering understanding and appreciation for the timeless principles of Sanatan Dharma.

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