Bhishma Pitamah, also known as Devavrata, was born to King Shantanu and Bhagirathi Ganga. His birth marked a pivotal moment in the Kuru dynasty's history. However, his extraordinary birth...
Category: Mahabharata
King Pandu, a central figure in the Mahabharata, belonged to the illustrious Kuru dynasty. Born to King Vichitravirya and Queen Ambalika, Pandu faced a tragic fate that would shape the course of the...
King Dhritarashtra, a prominent figure in the Mahabharata, belonged to the Kuru dynasty. Born to King Vichitravirya and Queen Ambika, Dhritarashtra faced the challenge of being born blind. His lack...
Major Weapons in the Mahabharata War: Unleashing Divine Power
The divine weapons, Divya astra, hold a central and omnipresent significance in the Indian epics, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. With many gods and heroes, many of whom possess at least one divine...
Gandhari, a central figure in the Mahabharata, was the queen of Hastinapura and the wife of King Dhritarashtra. Born in the kingdom of Gandhara, she was the daughter of King Subala. Her marriage to...
Kunti, a central figure in the Mahabharata, symbolizes strength, virtue, and maternal sacrifice. Her life is interwoven with the complexity of the Kuru dynasty, marked by both joyous moments and...