In the cosmic drama that unfolded eons ago, a tale of sacrifice, humility, and divine intervention emerged—a story of the fifth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, Vamanadeva, and the noble king Bali...
Category: Gods and Goddesses
In ancient times, where the clash between good and evil echoed through the ages, the tale of Lord Narasimhadeva unfolded—a divine spectacle that showcased the unwavering devotion of a young devotee...
In a time immemorial, when the world lay submerged in the abyss of the Garbodhaka Ocean, a profound crisis befell the celestial realms. The earth, lost and submerged, faced the peril of destruction....
Kurma was Vishnu's incarnation as a tortoise. He chose this form to assist the demigods and demons in the churning of the ocean (Sagar Manthan). Story In the eons past, when the cosmos...
In the ancient kingdom of Dravida, there was a virtuous king named Satyavrata. Devoted to Lord Vishnu, he spent his days in unwavering worship of the divine. One fateful day, as he performed his...
Hanuman, the revered monkey god in Hindu mythology, is a central figure in the epic Ramayana and is prominent in various other Hindu scriptures. In Ramayana, Lord Hanuman is portrayed as a symbol of...