4th Mantra of Shiva-Sankalpa-Suktam: Meaning and Explanation

4th Mantra

येने॒दं भू॒तं भुव॑नं भवि॒ष्यत् परिगृ॑हीतम॒मृते॑न सर्व॑म् ।
येन॑ य॒ज्ञस्ता॒यते॑ स॒प्तहो॑ता॒ तन्मे॒ मनः॑ शि॒वस॑ङ्कल्पमस्तु ॥ Vājasanēyī Saṃhita, 34-4

Yene̒dam̐ Bhū̒tam̐ Bhuvanam̐ Bhavi̒ṣyat PariGrȋhītam̒Amr̥tȇna Sarvam̐.
Yenȃ Ya̒jñastā̒yate Saptaho̒tȃ Tanme̒ Manah̑ Śi̒vasaŋkalpamastu.

Word Meaning

  • अमृतेन — perpetual or eternal;
  • येन — by whom (by the omniscient and omnipotent Lord);
  • भूतं — it was present before this moment;
  • भविष्यत् — it will be there in the future;
  • सर्वं — everything;
  • इदं — this;
  • भुवनं — the world;
  • परिगृहीतं — what has been made his own;
  • येन — by which Mahatattva (Panchabhutas);
  • सप्त-होता — the seven Ṛtwiks (priests);
  • यज्ञः — yajña;
  • त्रायते — is being protected;
  • तत्— such as;
  • मनः — omniscience of Ishvara;
  • मे — to self (to me);
  • शिव-संकल्पं — mind with good intentions and auspiciousness;
  • अस्तु — may God answer our prayers.


What has been before, what is happening now, what will be hereafter, the universe is held by the amrita svarupa Ishvara, the Yajña performed by Hota (name of Ṛtvik) and the Sapta Ṛtvijas,
which is protected by Ishvara, that omniscient One for myself, may fill the heart full of goodwill and auspiciousness.


When the mind becomes as subtle as space, it mirrors the expansiveness and freedom of the sky, transcending the confines of the body. This transformation can be likened to the merging of spaces when a container breaks, symbolizing the dissolution of boundaries.

With this expanded consciousness, one transcends the limitations of ordinary human perception, witnessing time itself without being bound by past, present, or future. In this timeless state, the mind gains a profound understanding and control over past, present, and future events, attaining a sense of immortality and wisdom beyond ordinary comprehension.

In the Bhagavad Gita (3.11), Sri Krishna elucidates the importance of performing Yajña and Yāgas to appease the celestial deities (देवान्भा वयतानेन ते देवा भावयन्तु वः । परस्पर ंभावयन्तः श्रेयः परमवाप्स्य थ ।।). By satisfying these divine entities, abundant crops are produced, leading to human happiness. 

This reciprocal relationship emphasizes the significance of mutual goodwill, as it ultimately brings prosperity to humanity. The celestial gods, or devatas, act as intermediaries in the management of the relative world by the Supreme Lord, answering prayers and facilitating the harmonious functioning of the universe.

Why Hindu

We, a group of youths born into Hindu families, were raised in the rich culture of Vedic Sanatan Dharma, embracing its cultures and traditions. Post-graduation, recognizing the immense value of our Sanatan Dharma for humanity, we initiated the "Why Hindu" project. With guidance from our elders, we aim to create awareness about Hindu Dharma, delve into Vedic scripture, explore Vedic mantras, and elucidate the significance of festivals. Through this endeavor, we strive to share the profound teachings of our heritage, fostering understanding and appreciation for the timeless principles of Sanatan Dharma.

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